Friday, 6 December 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Greeters (St. M.): Angus Mac Rae
(St. D.): Heather Deschenes
Lay Reader (St. M.): Julia Mac Quarrie
Lay Reader (St. D.): Yvonne Fox
Advent Wreath (St. M.): The Hart’s
(St. D.): Julia Mac Kinnon
Collectors (St. M.): Angus Mac Rae, Vali Ross,
Ingram Fowlie, Andy Palmer
Collectors (St. D.): Marie Davis, Ashley Mac Leod

Monday 9-12 noon
Tuesday 9-12 noon
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s You may drop by for a coffee.
Thursday 9 – 12 noon
Friday – Minister’s Day Off

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next meeting will be Monday, December 16, 2013.

Canadian Church Calendar 2014 
Cost: $6.00 ($1.25 profit from each to go to the Mission and Service Fund, United Church of Canada)

Advent and Christmas Worship and Events
December 15th Advent 3
Rotary Carol Sing
December 21st Longest Night Service, St. David’s, 6:30
December 22nd Advent 4
December 24th Christmas Eve 10:30 P. H. Nursing Home
December 24th Christmas Eve Communion
6:30 p.m. St. Mark’s
8:00 p.m. St. David’s
December 29th Christmas 1, 11:00 a.m.- St. Mark’s

Advent Small Group: Spiritual Practices in the Isaiah Readings
Wednesday December 11 10:00 a.m. St. David’s
Wednesday December 18 10:00 a.m. St. David’s

The Canadian Government has extended the deadline for the dollar for dollar matching of donations made by individuals to registered Canadian charities - including the United Church - for Typhoon Haiyan relief.  December 23, 2013 is now the date by which donations need to be received, either by the General Council Office or by congregations.
January 8, 2014 is the deadline for congregations to ensure that all eligible donations, collected between November 9 and December 23,  are received by the General Council Office. Donations received after December 23, 2013 are still welcome, but they will not be eligible for matching by the Canadian government.
To donate now:
For more information about The United Church of Canada's emergency appeal, please go to:
Cheques can be sent to:
The United Church of Canada
Philanthropy-Emergency Response
3250 Bloor St. West, Suite 300
Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4
Tel 416-231-5931 or 1-800-268-3781
E-mail listings can be sent to:


FUNDSCRIP REPORT December FundScrip Order Sunday will be December 15th and December Delivery Sundays will be December 8th and 22nd. December Promotions are:
Roots/Roots Home/Roots Kids 13% ( Regular 7%)
Pizza Pizza 13% ( Regular 10%)
Kernels Popcorn 10% ( Regular 5%)
Fund Scrip was initiated at St. Mark’s United Church in September 2013 with our first order sent September 8th. We are participating in the program with Holy Trinity Anglican Church and by doing so our combined orders are large enough that we have eliminated shipping and handling charges. To date the program has raised $327.00 which is an average of $109.00 per month and if this continues for the year $1300.00 would be earned for our church. Fourteen supporters (families) from our church are using the program on a regular basis for groceries, gas, pharmacy items, restaurants and home supply retailers. Over the holiday season we hope these supporters and hopefully some new supporters will purchase additional cards to use as gifts for their families and friends. Please contact Patsy Brander at 625- 1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 625-3838 if you have any questions about how to join this program.

St. Mark’s Sunday School is having a Christmas Concert TONIGHT in the Church Hall at 6:00 p.m. Admission is Silver Collection

St. Mark's Christmas Dinner Thursday December 12th at noon. Please call the church office if you would like to come or speak to Nan for a ticket. Call if you need a ride. Roast pork and all the fixin's.

White Gift envelopes are inserted in your bulletins this week. Next Sunday, December 15th we will be receiving White Gift donations with the offering. 

St. Mark’s Lay Readers:
Dec. 15th - Archie Noseworthy
Dec. 21st –Longest Night Service at St. David’s
Dec. 22nd – Barbara MacIntyre
Dec. 24th –tba
Dec. 29th – Combined Service at St. Mark’s

Observer:  We were not able to get enough new subscriptions for 2014 so the price remains at $20.00/year.  This is still a great deal, less than $2.00 a month!  For all subscribers, please put your payment in a plain envelope with your name and mark it “Observer” and place it on the collection plate.  For new subscribers, please contact me with your full mailing address either by phone, 625-0535, or by e-mail  The list will be forwarded Dec. 18th.


TODAY - Congregation meeting following Church on Sunday December 8, 2013. One to deal with a request from Port Hastings Fire Dept., and 2,  elect two elders.

St. David’s Lay Readers:
Dec. 15th – Lisa Rhynold
Dec. 22nd – Ian MacKinnon

Dec. 15th – If you have chosen an angel(s) from the Angel Tree in the church entry, we ask that you bring in those items on Dec. 15th, (wrapped in white paper if possible or white kitchen catchers). They will be presented at the White Gift Service that day. The gifts & groceries will be used for the Christmas Dinner Boxes to be distributed to families in our area. Questions may be directed to a member of the U.C.W.

A box will be placed in the Narthex of the church for mens socks, new or used in good shape.  The UCW will forward these to Brunswick St. Mission later in the winter.  Lets fill the box. 

Hall Cleaners for December: Jean Hatcher, Marjorie Langford



Lights of Love Christmas Campaign – join the R. K. MacDonald Nursing Home light up their tree with bulbs dedicated to love. You can dedicate a bulb. Monies raised will be used to purchase a new Self Cooking Centre. Please join us on Sunday, December 8th at 7 p.m. in the R. K. MacDonald Chapel for the dedication ceremony.

Step back in time for an Olde Tyme Christmas at the Port Hastings Museum (Rotary); Dec. 6 to 8...daily 2 - 7pm.  A unique Inuit Art Collection and  Anna Guzdziol’s Doll Collection will be featured. Bake Saleon Saturdays @ 2pmChildren's activities are plannedQuality hand-crafted gift items for Christmas from local artisans and products from the Galloping Cows.  Free tea, cider and cookies.

Leeside Christmas Program – Every Christmas Leeside assist families who use our services with Christmas gifts and food. Our Christmas program is dependent on donations from the community. You can help by: telling others about the program, making a cash donation, donating gift cards expecially for food, adopting a child or family. We ask that all donations be in by December 11. For more information, please call Leeside at 625-1990.

“In the Dark of Winter” J. Franklin Wright Fibre Exhibition
Jan 27 2014 - Mar 14 2014 Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre
Opportunities for both amateurs and professionals, with categories for quilting, weaving, felting, rug hooking, knitting, spinning, and needlework. The entries are not juried. All entries following the guidelines in the prospectus are exhibited; however, they will be judged to award the prizes. The show is sponsored by the J. Franklin Wright Gallery. As part of this show we will be offering educational events, demonstrations and sale of entries. Registrations are due on or before January 17, 2014. The exhibit will run from January 27 to March 14, 2014.

L’Arche Cape Breton presents “The Three Kings”. Please join us for L’Arche Cape Breton’s Annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 8th at 2pm at SAERC Auditorium, Port Hawkesbury. L’Arche Crafts and Artwork for sale, Apple Cider and Shortbread Served, Freewill offering gratefully accepted. Please join us as we re-enact the Christmas Story as only L’Arche can!

The Inverness County Singers and the Young County Singers invite you to "Gifts of the Heart", a concert to be held at St. Mary's Church in Mabou on Sunday, December 8th at 4:00 p.m. and at St. Margaret's Church of Scotland in Broadcove on Friday, December 13th at 7:30 p.m. The Director of the choir is Laurel Browne and the accompanist is Marianne Jewell. Donations taken at the door will be distributed to local charities.

The Port Hawkesbury Seasonal Services is once again preparing to provide Christmas dinner boxes for those in need in the Town. Anyone wishing to donate financially to this project may do so by contacting Jo-Anne MacDonald at 625-3003. Donations may also be left at the Pitt Street Post Office with Rosanne, Stan or Roberta or donations may be left in your name at the Royal Bank of Canada.