Sky Sunday – September 16
Psalm 19:1a
“Heaven is declaring God’s glory…”
“Heaven is declaring God’s glory…”
The unbridled praise of God’s creative power in Psalm 19 helps to counter the negative imagery of Jeremiah 4:23–28. Yet, while this latter passage speaks of Earth having no hope, still God proclaims, “I will not destroy it completely.”
Even in the midst of God’s anger and despair at humankind – often for ways we have abused Creation – still God does not abandon us, or the Earth which is our home. Indeed, we can look to the heavens and feel the power and presence of God.
How do you feel God present in the sky?
Take a breath, and feel the wondrous presence of God in that air, offering you the gift of a moment of being.
We are called to listen to the heartbeat of Earth. Try to locate your heartbeat and listen to it. The easiest way to do this is with a stethoscope. However, they are often not readily available. Luckily, there are a few other ways that usually work – although you have to be kind of still and patient to listen. Place a hand over your heart – a few inches below your chin, and just to the left. Optionally, try placing two fingers on the inside of your wrist, or place two fingers along the side of your neck.
As you quietly notice your heartbeat, imagine the heartbeat of the earth. How do you think you are connected? Jump up and down in place, or run a short distance and back. Try to hear your heartbeat and notice what has happened. What kinds of things might change the rhythm and heartbeat of Earth?
1.Sit comfortably outside or in a place where you can see through a window to whatever is outside.
2.Take time to notice everything that is there whether of nature or of human creation.
Notice the places where the two meet.
3.Think about the ways that nature and human creation interface for good or for ill.
4.Turn to the Bible and read Jeremiah 4:23–28.
5.Notice how this passage begins with this line: “After this, I looked around.” (Contemporary English Version)
6.Take paper and pen and begin writing with the same line, “After this, I looked around,” giving expression to what you actually see in the same way that Jeremiah
did. Remember that Jeremiah was a poet as well as a prophet. He chose to express the vision he saw in poetic terms. You can, too.
7.When you are finished writing, think about Jeremiah as a God-inspired writer and prophetic voice. Think of yourself as one who also has something of God to say.
8. Share what you have written in any way that seems right to you.
The Spiritual Practice of Creative Expression
1.Sit comfortably outside or in a place where you can see through a window to whatever is outside.
2.Take time to notice everything that is there whether of nature or of human creation.
Notice the places where the two meet.
3.Think about the ways that nature and human creation interface for good or for ill.
4.Turn to the Bible and read Jeremiah 4:23–28.
5.Notice how this passage begins with this line: “After this, I looked around.” (Contemporary English Version)
6.Take paper and pen and begin writing with the same line, “After this, I looked around,” giving expression to what you actually see in the same way that Jeremiah
did. Remember that Jeremiah was a poet as well as a prophet. He chose to express the vision he saw in poetic terms. You can, too.
7.When you are finished writing, think about Jeremiah as a God-inspired writer and prophetic voice. Think of yourself as one who also has something of God to say.
8. Share what you have written in any way that seems right to you.
A Prayer for Sky Sunday
Creator God, you desire to be in relationship with us, and for us to be awestruck by your beauty. May our attention move upward and outward to notice you and your handiwork in the sky, in the stars and in the warmth of the sun. May we be reminded that you delight in all of creation and speak beyond words. Guide us to respond and to be claimed by wonder, connection, to you and each other. Amen.
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2011 Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Season of Creation • Pentecost 2 2012