Monday, 28 May 2007

We have a new minister!!

In view of the fact that many pastoral charges are searching for candidates for ministry, we are indeed very fortunate to have been able to procure a new minister. The committee of ten, six from St. Mark’s and four from St. David’s have worked together on this committee since February. It is the committee's decision to recommend Rev. Sheldon LeGrow to serve the pastoral charges of St. Mark's & St. David's. Rev. LeGrow (another Newfoundlander) received his BA from Memorial University (St. John's Newfoundland) before being ordained from University of Toronto in 2001. Prior to being called to Ministry he was involved in broadcasting, media and in small business. His interests include music (guitar, drums, and singing) reading and photography. He has served in Newfoundland and is presently serving in the River Herbert area in the Chignecto Presbytery.

The call is issued with the following terms:
  • Annual salary at D scale level- $34233.00 plus $1000.00 over scale
  • Travel allowance - $4800 per year
  • Learning resource allowance - $1375.00 per year plus 3 weeks
  • Vacation - four weeks …5 Sundays
  • Basic telephone and internet,
  • Energy cost in excess of $500.00
  • Secretarial Service – 12 hrs/per week
  • Manse is provided
  • Insurance of personal effects and all other standard terms in accordance with the U.C manual
Rev. LeGrow will have his first service with us October 7th. We welcome Rev. LeGrow and his wife to the Strait Area! We hope he will enjoy his time with us and we look forward to meeting him.

We give a special thanks to Ann MacIntosh and Lorna MacRury, representives from Presbytery for their hard work in this endeavour.