Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Sunday School Closing at St. David's on May 27th

St. David's Sunday School closing presentations were made during the regular service on Sunday, May 27th. Superintendent, Lisa Rhynold and teacher, Paige Walker handed out certificates and a small gift to each child.

The children also presented gifts of appreciation to our organist and choir director, Al Fougere, treasurer, Sally Walker,Rev. Pelley, Julia MacKinnon and Church secretary, Jane MacKinnon.

Julia MacKinnon presented teachers and the treasurer with gifts from St. David's U.C.W.

Lisa expressed her appreciation to the parents and members of the congregation for their continued support and also to Katie Downard who served as a substitute and helper with the nursery.

A lovely potluck meal was enjopyed by all following the service. The children gathered around Paige for the cake cutting. Everyone chipped in to help with the cleaning up proving the saying that "many hands make light work" is true.

Posted by Y. Fox

Rev. Pelley with some of St. David's Session members who served Communion on May 27th.

Monday, 28 May 2007

We have a new minister!!

In view of the fact that many pastoral charges are searching for candidates for ministry, we are indeed very fortunate to have been able to procure a new minister. The committee of ten, six from St. Mark’s and four from St. David’s have worked together on this committee since February. It is the committee's decision to recommend Rev. Sheldon LeGrow to serve the pastoral charges of St. Mark's & St. David's. Rev. LeGrow (another Newfoundlander) received his BA from Memorial University (St. John's Newfoundland) before being ordained from University of Toronto in 2001. Prior to being called to Ministry he was involved in broadcasting, media and in small business. His interests include music (guitar, drums, and singing) reading and photography. He has served in Newfoundland and is presently serving in the River Herbert area in the Chignecto Presbytery.

The call is issued with the following terms:
  • Annual salary at D scale level- $34233.00 plus $1000.00 over scale
  • Travel allowance - $4800 per year
  • Learning resource allowance - $1375.00 per year plus 3 weeks
  • Vacation - four weeks …5 Sundays
  • Basic telephone and internet,
  • Energy cost in excess of $500.00
  • Secretarial Service – 12 hrs/per week
  • Manse is provided
  • Insurance of personal effects and all other standard terms in accordance with the U.C manual
Rev. LeGrow will have his first service with us October 7th. We welcome Rev. LeGrow and his wife to the Strait Area! We hope he will enjoy his time with us and we look forward to meeting him.

We give a special thanks to Ann MacIntosh and Lorna MacRury, representives from Presbytery for their hard work in this endeavour.

Hymns for Sunday, June 3rd

Praise With Joy the World's Creator #312

This Day God Gives Me #410

Spirit of the Living God #376

All Things Bright and Beautiful #291

Psalm 8, Page #732

Doxology - printed

Take these gifts and let them be
used as blessings sent from thee
Take our lives and use us all
for your glory and your call.

Contact Articles are Due Today

Articles for the June issue of the Contact should be submitted to Jane at the office by May 23 if they require typing. If you are sending your article online, email it (articles only) to unitedchurch.contact@ns.sympatico.ca no later than May 28th. If you are sending photos, please use this email address: crchapman@ns.sympatico.ca

Photos for Contact should be 4" x 6" at 300 d.p.i. Send them as an attachment to your email message. Do not email them directly from your photo editing program as that file is very small.

Important Congregational Meeting TONIGHT!!

Members of St. Mark's/St. David's Pastoral Charges are asked to attend a Congregational Meeting which will be held on May 28th at 7 p.m. in St. Mark's Church Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to receive and act upon the report of the Joint Search Committee in regards to presenting the name of a person for call to the Pastoral Charges.

St. Mark's Pringle Cans

As a fund raiser for the St. Mark's General Fund, the Ways & Means Committee are issuing Pringle Cans again. Please take one home and drop in your spare change over the summer months. They may be returned on or before Thanksgiving Sunday, October 7th. Don't forget to put your envelope number or name on the can so you can be given a receipt for you donation.

Celebration of Hope Service, June 3

The Strait Area Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society is hosting their annual Celebration of Hope Service on National Cancer Survivors' Day, Sunday, June 3, at 7 p.m. in St. Mark's United Church. The ecumenical choir will lead the service. The guest speaker will be Karen Hood. This is an ecumenical service, open to everyone. Lunch will follow the service.

Confirmation at St. Mark's

Alan Joseph MacKeigan and Brent Taylor Morrison were Confirmed at St. Mark's, May 27.

Friday, 25 May 2007

Concert at St. David's TONIGHT May 25th

Pictou County
Community Orchestra

Spring Concert

Mozart Serenade No 6
featuring The Pictou County String Quartet
London Symphony No.93 - Joseph Haydyn
Triumphal March from Sigurd Jorsalfar - Edvard Grieg
In a Persian market - Albert Ketelby
Peer Gynt Suite - Edvard Grieg

Friday, May 25, 2007 at 7:30 pm
St. David's United Church, Port Hastings

Adult $8 Senior/Student $6 Family $18
Tickets available at the door or by calling:
863-5496 752-0754 895-1352

For further information, see our web page at: users.eastlink.ca/`pcco

Readings for Sunday, May 27th

Scripture Acts 2 : 1 - 21
Psalm 104 (Page 827, Part 2)
Christian Scripture Romans 8: 14 - 17
John 14: 8 - 17, 25 - 27

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Are you reading the ContactOnline?

If you are reading the Contact Online, you are getting a more complete picture than those who only have the printed version. There are many more photos and they are in living colour. The news is immediate and current. All the reports and pictures that appear in the printed are also in the online version, so you won't miss a thing that is going on at our churches. Contact Online is also an electronic bulletin board where you can find out what the hymns and readings are for the next service as well as when events are happening. You can also search through the archives to see things that you may have missed. Even when you are on vacation you can keep up with the news. Relatives and friends who are no longer in the area have the opportunity to see what is happening at home just by going to our blogsite.

We are trying to reduce expenses in the church, so anyone who can do without a printed copy of the Contact, please call the office or let Camille or Rilla know so you can be taken off the Contact label list.

Hymns for Sunday, May 27

Confirmation and Communion at St. Mark's
Communion at St. David's

I Come With Joy #477
Jesus, Friend of Little Children # 340
Spirit of Gentleness #375
Because He Lives (printed in bulletin)
Psalm 104, #827, Reference 2
Doxology #544

Jesus, the Bread of Life
Jesus Took the Cup

Sunday, 20 May 2007

St. Mark's Service, Sunday, June 3rd

Lorna MacRury will be the guest speaker at St. Mark's on June 3rd.

Confirmation and Communion at St. Mark's

There will be Confirmation and Communion at St. Mark's Sunday, May 27th.

St. Mark's Special Events Group (UCW)

St. Mark's Special Events Group (UCW) will be meeting on Monday, May 21st at 7 p.m. in the Church Parlour.

Monday, 14 May 2007

Readings for May 20 - Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 16: 16 - 34
Psalm 97 #817
Revelation 22: 12 - 14, 16 - 17, 20 - 21
John 17: 20 - 26

Hymns for Sunday, May 20th

We are one #402

The Church is wherever #579

Lord speak to me #589

This is the day #412

Psalm 97 #817

Doxology #538

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Sunday School Closing

St. David's Sunday School Closing on May 27, 2007. Lunch will be served after the service.

Saturday, 12 May 2007

St. Mark's Buffet Dinner a Great Success

St. Mark's Buffet Dinner was a huge success. We made $1235.00!!! We received lots of compliments on how good everything was, the great variety and the quantity. Thank you everyone for donating food, money and working your butts off last night. Another successful fundraiser for St. Mark's thanks to the congregation and our faithful supporters!
