Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader: Archie Noseworthy
Mission Moment: Sarah Chiasson
Greeters & Collectors: Earl West, Judy Castle
Monday & Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s
Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for September-October are available.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
We will be celebrating "Creation Time" in the Season after Pentecost beginning Sunday September 10th until Thanksgiving Sunday, October 8th.
Communion will be celebrated on World Communion Sunday, October 1st.
"Common Vision: Singing to End Hunger", World Food Day, October 16th. We join with churches and communities across Canada as they raise their voices in song and help make sure our entire human family is well-fed. Want to help plan and put on this ecumenical/community concert in support of the work the Canadian Foodgrains Bank is doing to help alleviate hunger? Interested in singing in the choir? Contact Nan at the church office for details
Wednesday, August 30, 2017 – 10:30 a.m. – Service at Port Hawkesbury Nursing Home.
Lay Readers:
September 3rd – Bruce Corrigan
Ruth Lasky has advised me that she will be retiring from her position as church janitor as of Sept. 30 / 2017, after many years of superb service. If you, or some one that you can recommend, may be interested in taking on the work that Ruth is doing, please contact me by phone at 902 631 0934 or email at, no later than Sept. 15 / 17. It is a paid position.
...Clark Brander
FundScrip resumes in September after the summer break. The FundScrip Order Dates for September are Sunday September 10th and 24th and the Delivery Dates are Sunday September 17th and October 1st.
The Promotions for September are as follows:
Shell 3% ( Regular 2% )
La Vie en Rose 11% ( Regular 8% )
Pizza Pizza 12% ( Regular 10% )
Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic 10% ( Regular 5% )
Hudson’s Bay/Home Outfitters 5% ( Regular 3 % )
If you have any questions or wish to join the program please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838
St. David’s Official Board Meeting on September 10, 2017 following Church Service in the Hall.St. David’s Session Meeting on Wednesday, September 6th at 7 p.m. at St. David’s Church Hall. Please make every effort to attend.
If you would like to help St. David’s offset the cost of our new “More Voices” hymn books, please consider making a donation in honour of or in memory of a loved one. Place your donation ($15.00 per book) and dedication information on the collection plate in an envelope marked "More Voices”.
Friday, September 15th : Roast Beef Dinner at the Port Hastings Fire Hall from 4:30 to 6 pm sponsored by St. David’s Board of Stewards. Adults $15.00 Children $8.00.
Anyone wishing a drive to New Glasgow or Truro, please contact Margie Mac Intyre at 902-625-1361 for dates and times.Donate your gently used clothing to Port of Welcome Settlement Association. Drop off clothing at Cathy's Consignment shop and ask that proceeds of sales go to the POWSA account (act#4488). Once our family arrives they will be able to use the credit in that account to purchase clothing.
Terry Fox Run 2017 Date: Sunday, Sept. 17th Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Port Hawkesbury Community Park ***NEW LOCATION***
This year celebrates the 37TH Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run! Come join us Sunday, Sept. 17th to walk, run or bike 1 km, 5 km or 10 km Road Route OR new this year, walk the newly upgraded Port Hawkesbury Community Trail from the Playground to TEC and back. A great walk for the whole family! Come out and help support the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research! Bring a friend and have a great time keeping Terry’s Dream alive! Register online at or just show up at the Port Hawkesbury Community Park on the day of the event. For more information to participate or to volunteer, call Sarah at 902-625-5405 or find us on Facebook: The Terry Fox Run ? Port Hawkesbury. No minimum entry fee. Raising pledges is optional. Donate what you can and join the fun!
Port Hawkesbury Ceilidh
Tuesdays @ 7:30 - 9pm
Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre
Admission: $10.00 Students (under 16) $4.00 / Children (under 5) free/ Season Pass $80 (6 free Ceilidhs)
Free Tea & Oatcakes...while they last
Aug 29 Wendy MacIsaac | Mac Morin | Dave MacIsaac |
Rita Rankin
Sept 5 MaryJane Lamond | The Broussards | Rankin MacInnis | John Pellerin | Bill Pellerin
Sept 12 All Fired Up | Sabra MacGillivray and the Celtic Touch Dancers
Sept 19 Kenneth MacKenzie | Mac Morin | Daibhidh MacFhraing | Krista & Jay Luddington
Sept 26 Melody Cameron | Derrick Cameron | Joel Chiasson | Stephen MacLennan | Lewis MacLennan | Pat Lamey | Heather Richards
Oct 3 Pre Celtic Colours Show: Shelly Campbell | Allan Dewar | Joe MacMaster | Cheryl MacQuarrie Dancers | Joanne MacIntyre & Family
Would you like to participate in a 19 day 1st Class tour of England and Wales from May 28 – June 15, 2018 with a group of United Church folks from across Canada? If so here is your opportunity. Just contact the tour hosts, Rev. Dr. Bob & Fay Jackson at for all the fabulous details. Early booking discounts apply so respond as soon as possible.
Celebration in song with Coro Cantabile at Calvin Presbyterian Church,Loch Lomond on Sept 10 th at 3.00pm Featuring Special Guests Paul Gatchell, Brady Doyle, Doug Johnson and Barbara Stetter Free will offering. Following the concert a turkey dinner (optional)sponsored by Loch Lomond Fire Dept Cost $15 per person.
Point Tupper Heritage Association will hold their closing Church Service at the museum Sept. 10th at 3:00 p.m. Everyone welcome
Point Tupper Heritage Association will be hosting a kitchen party Sept. 17th from 7-9 p.m. at the Museum. Music by Evelyn MacRae and Wayne Bona - $5.00 admission – Oatcakes, Tea & Juice served while quantities last.
CLASSIC COUNTRY MUSIC featuring HAROLD MACINTYRE on Sunday, September 10, 2017 from2-4pm at St. Joseph Parish Hall
Admission $10 In support of St. Joseph Parish