Saturday, 27 April 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:

Organist: Al Fougere
Greeters (St. M.): Annabel Butts
Greeter (St. D.): Bruce Oliver
Mission Moment (St. M.): Want to read Mission Moment? Let us know
(St. D.): Karen Wagar
Lay Reader (St. M.): Irene Mac Isaac
(St. D.): Arnold Mac Lean
Collectors (St. M.): Annabel Butts, Carol Ann Williams
Sally Smith, Judy Castle
(St. D.): James Mac Fadyen, Malcolm Parsons
Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for May-June are available.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters - gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, May 20th at 1 p.m. will be our next gathering.

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
May 19th – Pentecost Sunday. Please wear “red” on this day!

May 29th – Deadline for information for the CONTACT

Nan and Bruce will be on a “Pilgrimage to Corrymeela” with a group from Tatamagouche Centre from May 4th to 17th.
While Nan is away, pastoral care will be covered by Rev. Rick Bowley, West Bay P.C. phone 345-2273.
Worship leadership on May 5th and 12th will be provided by Sue Betuik of Orangedale. Here is a brief bio for Sue:
My upbringing in England was profoundly affected by my Methodist grandmother, a local preacher and my Anglican father also a preacher. In addition to this I lived in a village that is the cradle of Methodism, the birth place of John and Charles Wesley. I have been an educator both in England and in Canada having taught in the public school system, private schools, daycares and my last position working in a Family Resource Centre in North End Dartmouth (where you hear about all the violence and the drugs) I am a graduate of AST and have worked in Pastoral Charges in PEI and Nova Scotia. My home church is Brunswick St. United in Halifax where I was worship leader for a number of months. I am a  mother and a grandmother, love music, quilting and reading. I have been here for 27 years and would not like to live anywhere else but Canada.

Anyone interested in Baptism is asked to call the Church Office at 625-2229.


St. Mark’s Lay Readers:
May 5th – Denis Bernard
May 12th – Lana Mac Lean
May 19th – Brenda Mac Innis
May 26, 2013 – Vida Hood

May 21st – St. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting

June 2nd – St. Mark’s Sunday School Celebration

June 23rd – Graduation Recognition Sunday


If you need a ride to church during the month of April
call Andy Palmer 625-2748
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

St. Mark's "Ways and Means Committee" met this week and heard about FundScrip from Rev. Evelyn Knorr of Holy Trinity Anglican Church. FundScrip is a gift card fundraising program that the local Anglican Churches are using. It’s a great way to raise money from the purchases we are already making – eliminating the need to ask you to increase your donations, make another casserole or sell anything. The program does not ask anyone to change what they buy, where they buy it, or how much they spend. We just pay with gift cards ordered through the church, instead of cash, debit or credit. It’s that easy. So...we would like to give this a try. But we need one or two people who will commit to compile and place the orders two Sundays a month. Rev. Evelyn assures us that it is a simple process--and takes little time to administer. Interested in volunteering for the church, just a couple hours a month, with the potential for great benefit to the church budget? Be in touch with the church office and we'll get FundScrip rolling!

Digital Photo Directory  

St. Mark's Christian Education Committee has undertaken the job of producing a digital photo directory. The purpose of this directory is to give Nan and newcomers to our Churches a way of recognizing the members of our congregations. (St. David’s congregation is also joining in this project). This directory will cost you nothing and we are not selling photos. We would appreciate the full cooperation of every member and adherent of both congregations. This project will be concluded by the end of June and a PDF file will be sent to all members who have email. A .jpg file of your photo will be available if you wish to take it to be printed. During this period, you may be getting a call from Bonnie, Camille, Joyce or Natasha to arrange for a sitting. St. David’s Elders will be calling to arrange for pictures and directory entries. Pictures will be taken after the Church Service at St. Mark’s on 5 Sundays - May 5th, 12th, 19th, and June 2nd and 9th. If you are not available on these Sundays, another time can be arranged for your convenience. Even if you are an occasional church attender, you are still important to us and we want to include you. Please help us to make this venture a success!


May 19th – Official Board Meeting following Church Service.
Sunday School at St. David’s on the First and Last Sunday of each month. (This will run two Sunday’s together, but it is easier to remember this way)

St. David’s Lay Readers:

May 5th – Bob Downard
May 12th – Bonnie Hatcher
May 19th – Margie Mac Intyre
May 26th – Mary Jess Mac Donald

Yard & Bake Sale on Saturday May 25th from 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon at St. David’s United Church Hall, Port Hastings. Sponsored by St. David’s Board of Stewards.
Hall Cleaners for May are Heather Deschenes and Hazel Mac Lean.

Thursday, 25 April 2013


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God

  Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.        Music Director: Al Fougere

April 28th, 2013

5th Sunday of Easter

For many who gather on this day, church traditions and worship traditions in particular are important. This is the way we do it! While traditions are important in many settings so too is openness to new ways of doing things. The church of the 21st century is looking for new ways of worship, to break down the walls and build bridges to connect with the wider community, to connect with those who do not feel at home in the traditional church. The story of Peter and Cornelius questions the walls we build and invites us to build bridges.                                   Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012

Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013 , p. 159

Announcements         The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

* Introit            Join In the Dance (remain seated for Introit today)

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!

This is the feast of the love of God.

Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:

Jesus the Saviour is risen from the grave.

Call to Worship 

One: This is one world      All: and we are one people.

One: There is one God      All: and we are all God’s people.

One: There is one life        All: and we are called to live it together.

One: There is one hope    

All: and we share it with one another.

With one voice, one joy, one faith, one love

we worship God together.

* Hymn                Come In, Come In and Sit Down              VU 395

Opening Prayer and Candle Lighting


Acts 11:1–18   Peter’s vision that all people are acceptable to God.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 148        Let the whole creation praise God.           VU 871

* Hymn             Jesus Loves Me                                            VU 365

Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer

Gospel Acclamation

John 13:31–35        A new commandment: love one another.

This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.



* Hymn      Let All Things Now Living         VU 242


Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

* Offering Prayer
Let all creation from greatest to least praise our God.

We bring to God our wealth of gifts:

our money, our food, our time, our love, our strength,

to be caught up and used in the Kin-dom’s work

through Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


* Hymn             How Great Thou Art        Insert back of hymnbook

* Commissioning and Benediction   

One: Though we are many,                All: Christ makes us one.

One: Though we are broken,             All: Christ makes us whole.

One: Though we stand divided,

All: Christ draws all things together

both in heaven and on earth.

One: So go in the peace of Christ to bless and be blessed

through One God – Creator, Redeemer, and Holy Spirit.

* Choral Amen

St. Mark's "Ways and Means Committee" met this week and heard about FundScrip from Rev. Evelyn Knorr of Strait Chedabucto Anglican Churches. FundScrip is a gift card fundraising program that the local Anglican Churches are using. It’s a great way to raise money from the purchases we are already making – eliminating the need to ask you to increase your donations, make another casserole or sell anything. The program does not ask anyone to change what they buy, where they buy it, or how much they spend. We just pay with gift cards ordered through the church, instead of cash, debit or credit. It’s that easy. So...we would like to give this a try. But we need one or two people who will commit to compile and place the orders two Sundays a month. Rev. Evelyn assures us that it is a simple process--and takes little time to administer. Interested in volunteering for the church, just a couple hours a month, with the potential for great benefit to the church budget? Be in touch with the church office 625-2229 and we'll get FundScrip rolling!

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Greeters (St. M.): Carl Mac Kichan
Greeter (St. D.): Bruce Oliver
Mission Moment (St. M.): Want to read Mission Moment? Let us know
                          (St. D.): Karen Wagar
Lay Reader (St. M.): Dave Chapman
                  (St. D.): Dave Pringle
Collectors (St. M.): Bernie & Sharon Mc Lean,
Denis Bernard, Carl MacKichan
                (St. D.): James Mac Fadyen, Malcolm Parsons

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters - gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, May 20th at 1 p.m. will be our next gathering.

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. April suggestions for donations: Peanut butter or sandwich meat or fish.

Nan and Bruce will be on a “Pilgrimage to Corrymeela” with a group from Tatamagouche Centre from May 4th to 17th. 


St. Mark’s Lay Readers:

April 28th – Irene Mac Isaac May 5th – Lana Mac Lean
May 12th – Denis Bernard May 19th – Brenda Mac Innis
May 26, 2013 – Vida Hood


If you need a ride to church during the month of April
call Andy Palmer 625-2748
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

Digital Photo Directory  St. Mark's Christian Education Committee has undertaken the job of producing a digital photo directory. The purpose of this directory is to give Nan and newcomers to our Churches a way of recognizing the members of our congregations. (St. David’s congregation is also joining in this project). This directory will cost you nothing and we are not selling photos. We would appreciate the full cooperation of every member and adherent of both congregations. This project will be concluded by the end of June and a PDF file will be sent to all members who have email. A .jpg file of your photo will be available if you wish to take it to be printed. During this period, you may be getting a call from Bonnie, Camille, Joyce or Natasha to arrange for a sitting. St. David’s Elders will be calling to arrange for pictures and directory entries. Pictures will be taken after the Church Service at St. Mark’s on 5 Sundays - May 5th, 12th, 19th, and June 2nd and 9th. If you are not available on these Sundays, another time can be arranged for your convenience. Even if you are an occasional church attender, you are still important to us and we want to include you. Please help us to make this venture a success!


Sunday School at St. David’s on the First and Last Sunday of each month. (This will run two Sunday’s together, but it is easier to remember this way)

St. David’s Lay Readers:

April 28th – Arnold Mac Lean
May 5th – Bob Downard
May 12th – Bonnie Hatcher
May 19th – Margie Mac Intyre
May 26th – Mary Jess Mac Donald

Hall Cleaners for are Heather Deschenes and Hazel Mac Lean.



The Centre for Christian Studies is honouring Jessie Macleod, Diaconal Minister, with the Companion of the Centre award. It will be presented to her during the Diaconal Gathering at Tatamagouche Centre, Thursday, May 2nd at 7pm. Friends and colleagues are invited to attend this service and reception. Please contact Kay Dean 902-843-9107 or   if you are planning to attend.
There may be a few rooms for overnighters, but please let Kay know by April 22nd.

Gàidhlig as t-Earrach Spring Gaelic Weekend 

April 26 – 28

Colaisde na Gàidhlig / The Gaelic College St. Ann’s, NS
Spend the weekend nestled in the hills of St. Ann's Bay, while enjoying Gaelic immersion.  Classes in the Gaidhlig Aig Baile style are offered for every age and skill level, with instructors Colin Watson, Stacey MacLean, Goiridh Dòmhnullach, and Jim Watson.  Evening activities include a song session, milling frolic,  square dance and more.For more information, or to register, visit our website at, or contact us at 902-295-3411, or

There will be a Benefit Dance for GERARD BOWIE on April 27th Havre Boucher Community Centre 9 pm – 1 pm Musical Entertainment by Reggie DeCoste & Music Machine


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS

Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Music Director: Al Fougere

April 21st, 2013
4th Sunday of Easter-Earth Sunday

Those who stand against the tide of living for the self and devote themselves to the care of others are in life and in death troublesome to the political and perhaps even religious authorities. Oscar Romero famously said, “When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor are poor, they call me a communist.” Killed for his passion for justice and care of the needy, Romero still rises before us as an example of living faith.
■■ Who is a role model, for you, of living faith?
■■ In what ways have they inspired or challenged your living?
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013 , p. 147
Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
Introit Join In the Dance (remain seated for Introit today)
Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Saviour is risen from the grave.
Call to Worship
One: Get up! Rise up! (choir rises)
All: The word of God to a formless void.
One: Get up! Rise up! (left side of congregation rises)
All: The word of God to weary pilgrims and prophets, is
One: Get up! Rise up! (right side of congregation rises)
All: The word of God to disciples everywhere.
One: For now is the time to worship.
All: Now is the time to celebrate the risen Christ.

* Hymn Lord, Speak to Me VU 589

Opening Prayer
You are invited into a moment of silence as we consider the many
people who do different tasks and lead in different aspects of the
Church’s life.


Acts 9:36–43 Peter raises Tabitha (Dorcas) to life.
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.
* Psalm 23 The Lord’s My Shepherd VU 747

Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer

Gospel Acclamation

John 10:22–30 My sheep listen to my voice.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


* Hymn Precious Lord, Take My Hand VU 670
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
Chemo Caps Blessing
* Offering Prayer
You have gifted each of us God—some with spontaneous friendships, an observant eye, or warm compassion and personalities. Bless all our gifts so that the Way of Jesus may be advanced in our faith community and throughout the world. Amen. Written by Gloria Wray, Mark Street U.C., Peterborough, Ont.
Gathering, Lent/Easter/Pentecost 2010, page 40. Used with permission.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


* Hymn All the Way My Saviour Leads Me VU 635
* Commissioning and Benediction
All: God calls us to rise up,
to live, to serve.
One: As you go, may the blessings of God surprise
and surround you this day and always.
* Choral Amen

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Nan & Bruce--Pilgrimage to Corrymeela, Northern Ireland

Nan and Bruce will be on a “Pilgrimage to Corrymeela” with a group from Tatamagouche Centre from May 4th to 17th. 
Below is a story about Corrymeela from this week's Seasons of the Spirit.

Founded in 1965, Corrymeela’s objective has always been and continues to be promoting reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious, and political divisions in Northern Ireland. Corrymeela’s history is built upon committed work with individuals and communities which have suffered through the violence and polarization of the Northern Irish conflict. The vision of Christian community and reconciliation has been expressed through a commitment of promoting interaction between and building positive relationships among all kinds and conditions of people. This is one of their stories.

Peace Walls, Sign of Security, Sign of Fear

In Belfast there are huge barriers, 16- to 18-foot-tall walls, erected to keep neighbours apart. They run down the interfaces where Catholic areas meet Protestant areas. These huge structures mean that some people have to keep the light in their kitchen all year round because they live in the shadow of these ‘Peace Walls,’ as they’re called. At the one time they are symbols of security, and symbols of fear.
We have been bringing families who live on both sides
of the Peace Wall together. They had decided to try to do something with the fear, and find a new way forward. The dialogue started with a feelings box. Each person put a single word on a piece of paper representing what it felt like to live in the shadow of the Peace Wall and put them into a slot in the box. Then the pieces of paper were taken from the box and read out anonymously. People were free to add something if they wished. It was impossible to tell from which side of the wall they came – whether they were Protestant feelings or Catholic feelings.
Sadness was the most common. Sadness at the loss of loved ones, the lost childhood for their young people growing up with constant violence on the streets where they lived. Several people put in the word hatred. As ‘hatred’ came out of the box one woman said, I don’t mean to say that I hate anyone. What I meant was that I don’t wish to carry on knowing that I am hated, and that my children are
hated. That’s what we hear, as the young people yell abuse as they see if they can throw bricks over the massively high wall.
The group went on to discuss what they understood as ‘community.’ Both sides had no problem agreeing what was
important for them. They talked about what they hoped for in the year two thousand. Both sides wanted peace, and better amenities for their children, and jobs. At the end of their residential the Catholic group and the Protestant group decided they needed to work together for the development of their area.
One of their dreams was to have a common community
centre where both communities could continue to meet and support each other. Meanwhile the children were meeting. They watched a clown as he came into the room, dressed in an outlandish costume. The more the children laughed at him, the sadder he got until he was crumpled up on the ground sobbing. They recognised that feeling, being laughed at because you were different, and both sides talked about their experiences of bullying in school.
They then began talking about their favourite pastime throwing bricks over the Peace Wall. Since they met a day ago on arriving at Corrymeela, Paddy and William, a Catholic and Protestant had become the best of mates. Paddy was the best shot in the district. “Paddy what if you hit William.” “Oh I wouldn’t.” “How is that?” “I’m a good shot. I wouldn’t aim at William.” “But sometimes you can’t see who you will hit, the wall is too high.” Paddy thought, long and hard. “Yea you’re right. I’m going to have to climb up to the top of the derelict house where I can geta really good aim.” “But Paddy, last weekend you could have injured William with a stone, because then you didn’t know him. How would you feel about that now?” “Bad!” said Paddy. Eventually Paddy and the rest of the group decided that they would stop throwing stones.
The person who led that programme was passing through the area where they lived a couple of weeks later and saw some of the children hanging around opposite the one place where you could see through the wall. She was curious as to what was going on. So she stopped. The children said they wait there every day on the way back from school, to wave to their new friends on the Protestant side. It’s the way they keep in touch with their new friends. When we hear one another, a new reality is created between us.
Reproduced courtesy of Corrymeela Community, Northern Ireland.
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013, p. 139


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:

Organist: Al Fougere
Greeters (St. M.): Annabel Butts
Greeter (St. D.): Arnold MacLean
Mission Moment (St. M.): Want to read Mission Moment? Let us know
(St. D.): Karen Wagar
Lay Reader (St. M.): Joyce Oliver-Snair
(St. D.): Susan Langley
Collectors (St. M.): Annabel Butts, Carol Ann Williams
Sally Smith, Judy Castle
(St. D.): Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters - gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, April 15th at 1 p.m. will be our next gathering.

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. April suggestions for donations: Peanut butter or sandwich meat or fish.


April 16thSt. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting: 6:30 p.m. – Executive, 7:00 p.m. – Committees, 8:00 p.m. – Combined Board

St. Mark’s Lay Readers:

April 21, 2013 – Irene MacIsaac
April 28, 2013 – David Chapman


If you need a ride to church during the month of April
call Andy Palmer 625-2748
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

Digital Photo Directory  

St. Mark's Christian Education Committee has undertaken the job of producing a digital photo directory. The purpose of this directory is to give Nan and newcomers to our Churches a way of recognizing the members of our congregations. (St. David’s congregation is also joining in this project). This directory will cost you nothing and we are not selling photos. We would appreciate the full cooperation of every member and adherent of both congregations. This project will be concluded by the end of June and a PDF file will be sent to all members who have email. A .jpg file of your photo will be available if you wish to take it to be printed. During this period, you may be getting a call from Bonnie, Camille, Joyce or Natasha to arrange for a sitting. St. David’s Elders will be calling to arrange for pictures and directory entries. Pictures will be taken after the Church Service at St. Mark’s on 5 Sundays - May 5th, 12th, 19th, and June 2nd and 9th. If you are not available on these Sundays, another time can be arranged for your convenience. Even if you are an occasional church attender, you are still important to us and we want to include you. Please help us to make this venture a success!



Sunday School at St. David’s on the First and Last Sunday of each month. (This will run two Sunday’s together, but it is easier to remember this way)

St. David’s Lay Readers:

April 21st – David Pringle
April 28th – Arnold Mac Lean
Hall Cleaners for April are Heather Graham & Grace Pilgrim
The Centre for Christian Studies is honouring Jessie Macleod with the Companion of the Centre award. It will be presented to her during the Diaconal Gathering at Tatamagouche Centre, Thursday, May 2nd at 7pm.
Friends and colleagues are invited to attend this service and reception. Please contact Kay Dean 902-843-9107 or   if you are planning to attend.

There may be a few rooms for overnighters, but please let Kay know by April 22nd.

There will be a meeting of the Community Garden Co-op at the Port Hastings Fire Hall Monday, April 15th at 7 pm.


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Music Director: Al Fougere
April 14th, 2013
3rd Sunday of Easter

The only constant is change” is an expression of which many are familiar, but whose reality is often met with resistance – especially in the church. Yet as Acts 9:1–20 reveals, change is part of our heritage of faith. We are people of a living Spirit who calls and guides us in ways toward greater inclusion, healing, and witness. The change in Saul is often the focus of this story, however, it also shows the challenge for Ananias and the community of Christ’s followers to change – to let go of prejudice and see in new ways.                               Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013 , p. 135
Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit Join In the Dance
Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Saviour is risen from the grave.
* Call to Worship (back of bulletin)
* Hymn Let There Be Light VU 679
Opening Prayer
Welcoming God, may our welcome to others
be as great as yours has been to us:
to those who are hungry, may we offer bread;
to those who are broken, may we offer healing;
to those who are lost, may we offer nourishment;
to those who are doubting, a new adventure.
May this place be a place of amazing grace
where what is offered is served to others,
trusting in your redeeming love, O God. Amen.


Acts 9:1–6, 7–20 Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus.
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 30 God turned my mourning into dancing. VU 757
* Hymn One More Step Along the World I Go VU 639

Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer

Gospel Acclamation

John 21:1–19 Jesus appears to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


* Hymn Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore VU 563
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer
God, we bring our gifts to you.
We present the work of our hands and our desire to serve.
Let our sharing of our gifts be part of the vision of how your Easter world should be.
This we ask through the Risen Christ. Amen.
Written by Sandy Ferguson, Hillcrest U.C., Fort Nelson, B.C.
Gathering, Lent/Easter/Pentecost 2007, page 40. Used with permission.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


* Hymn Amazing Grace VU 266
* Commissioning and Benediction
In the sanctuary we have praised God.
On holy ground we have walked with God.
We have been fed and nurtured
and go now with thankful hearts.
The blessing of God
Creator, Son, and Spirit be yours now and always.
* Choral Amen