Saturday, 30 June 2012



Monday   9-12 noon                                       
Tuesday 9-12 noon      
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s  You may drop by for a coffee.
Thursday 9 – 12 noon  
Friday – Minister’s Day Off     
The Manse telephone number is 625-0407

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of each month.


Church Service in July at 9:30 a.m. at St. David’s   
- No Service at St. Mark’s
Service in August at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mark’s.
- No Service at St. David’s.



The Ways and Means Committee of St. Mark's as well as the Cookbook Committee would like to keep you all informed as to how our fund-raising is going and what are the upcoming events and bus suppers we will be catering to over the next few months. The cookbooks have arrived from the printers. This is an excellent fundraiser that can go on for maybe a year or two!
It would be much appreciated if members of the congregation who do not have email and would like to contribute food, work or make monetary donations, please contact Ruth at 625-2424. 
Following are the groups and dates that we will be catering meals to:
Buffet Supper for Susanne Tours bus group for 48 on Sat. July 7th
Buffet Supper for Donna Hannem bus group for 55 on Sun., July 8th
Buffet Supper for bus group on Sunday, July 22nd
Buffet Supper for bus group on Tuesday, September 11th
            Ruth - Chair of the Ways & Means Committee

Thursday, 28 June 2012


A thought around which to gather as we worship: “Communities are at the core of God's realm: 'Wherever two or more are gathered....' God's realm requires relationships: being in a loving relationship with God while at the same time being in loving relationships with the people who form our communities: 'Love the Lord your God...[and] love your neighbour as yourself.' (Matthew 22:37-39) It is in this dynamic set of relationships that we have an opportunity to work toward healthy communities where the people in them can also be healthy.” Restoring Communities to Live In: A Community Engagement       Handbook©The United Church of Canada, Etobicoke, Ontario:1997

We Gather to Worship God

Welcome and Announcements
Greeting one another with the Peace of Christ.
            One: The Peace of Christ be with you.
            All: And with your spirit
Introit                         O Canada                                           VU524
Call to Worship  
One: This is God's land. From coast to coast, from the far off reaches of the north, to the windswept shores of east and west, to the border with our southern neighbour, God is present in this land.
All: This is God's land. We are the people of this land.
One: Here are God's people. From Aboriginal Nations to recent immigrants, from fifth generation farmers to newly arrived professionals, God's people surround us.
All: We are the people of this land.
One: Now is God's time. In summer retreats and in holiday places, amid bird song, salt spray, or farm scented air, in cathedral sanctuaries and in parkland gatherings, we honour this holy day together.
All: This is a time to honour God. Let us give God thanks and praise.
Hymn              Come to My Heart                                          VU661
Opening Prayer          (together)

O God, as we gather again in worship on this Canada Day, we reflect on our nation, the people within it, and our ways of building and being community. We look for ways to be your people in this community, this country. We seek a renewed understanding of what it means to be a country of compassion and to form a land of principles, integrity and justice. May we live with confidence and hope in our service to one another, strengthened for this service by the gifts of your Spirit, this weekend and every day of the year ahead.  Amen.

We Listen for God’s Word

Deuteronomy 10:12-22          What the Lord requires of you
Psalm 130       Up From the Depths I Cry to God  (sung)       VU852
Hymn              Jesus' Hands Were Kind Hands                       VU570
Time with young people
You Embrace All Peoples  VU525 & The Lord's Prayer     
The Gospel Acclamation    
Matthew 22:35-39  The Great Commandment
Reflection on the Word            

We Respond in Faith

Hymn              I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me   VU575
Prayer of Thanksgiving         Back of bulletin
Minute for Mission –Faith in Action
Offering Our Gifts to God
Offering Song/Doxology In Gratitude and Humble Trust     VU544

We Go to Serve God

Hymn              What a Friend We Have in Jesus                    VU664
Commissioning and Benediction 
Go. Bless and be blessed. Love and be loved. Renew and be renewed. Go. Build community, build Canada, build God's vision of Shalom.
All: We will go with God’s blessing for the world. 
Choral Amen



A weekly report on GENERAL COUNCIL happenings

Knitting and Crocheting for a Warmer World

The Montreal & Ottawa Conference Stewardship Committee is happy to respond to one of the suggestions made by commissioners in Kelowna. For many people, knitting and crocheting are wonderful ways to pass the time, but Kelowna commissioners suggested that in Ottawa these talents might be used to create toques, scarves, and mittens for people in need.
Thus, M&O Conference is collecting knitting needles, wool, and simple patterns and is encouraging folks to knit or crochet items that will be presented as an offering at the closing worship.
The Mission and Service partners that will benefit are
  • Centre 507, Ottawa Presbytery: A drop in centre for those living in shelters, rooming houses, or on the streets. Mostly men will benefit.
  • House of Lazarus, Seaway Valley Presbytery: An outreach ministry for families living in poverty in a rural setting. Families will benefit.
  • Saint Columba House, Montreal Presbytery: A community ministry in the low-income neighbourhood of Point Saint Charles. Mostly children will benefit.
For Commissioners and their congregations who find themselves with extra wool, contributions are welcomed. Commissioners and visitors to General Council are encouraged to “bring your needles and your talents and join the project!”

Friday, 15 June 2012


Monday   9-12 noon   
Tuesday 9-12 noon                  
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s
Thursday 9 – 12 noon              
Friday – Minister’s Day Off     
The Manse telephone number is 625-0407
Nan is at St. David’s Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 12:00. Drop by for a coffee.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of each month.

Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for the months of July-August are available .

June 19th – 25th     Nan on vacation. Rev. Heather Manuel, Guysborough is on call for pastoral care needs.

June 24th – Service led by Lorna Mac Rury


The congregation of St. Mark’s wishes to express congratulations to the Graduating Class:
Holly Barss                                           Cody Campbell


If you need a ride to church during the month of June call
Angus Mac Rae at 625-2424
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before or by
8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

The Ways and Means Committee of St. Mark's as well as the Cookbook Committee would like to keep you all informed as to how our fund-raising is going and what are the upcoming events and bus suppers we will be catering to over the next few months. We are awaiting delivery of another 132 more books from the cookbook printers. This is an excellent fundraiser that can go on for maybe a year or two!
It would be much appreciated if members of the congregation who do not have email and would like to contribute food, work or make monetary donations, please contact Ruth at 625-2424. 
Following are the groups and dates that we will be catering meals to:
Holy Trinity's 50th Anniversary Buffet Luncheon on Sunday, July 1st
Buffet Supper for Susanne Tours bus group for 48 on Sat. July 7th
Buffet Supper for Donna Hannem bus group for 55 on Sun., July 8th
Buffet Supper for bus group on Sunday, July 22nd
Buffet Supper for bus group on Tuesday, September 11th
            Ruth - Chair of the Ways & Means Committee

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters—gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, June 18th is our next time of gathering at 1:00 p.m



Congratulations to all Graduates from St. David’s Congregation.

Church Hall Cleaners for June: Susan Fox & Sally Fox

TODAY  June 17th – Official Board meeting following Worship Service. Following the Official Board meeting Sunday June 17.2012 a short Session meeting.


Holly leads us in prayer

Congratulations to Holly Barss!

Can't have a celebration without cake!

Jean and Donnie enjoy the reception following worship.

Nan and Holly cut the graduation cake.
June 17th, 2012
3rd after Pentecost
* please stand as able
A thought around which to gather as we worship: David’s anointing at such a young age (and so long before his actual installation as king of Israel) has a powerful ef­fect on the rest of his youth and development. We learn that from that moment on, the spirit of God rests mightily on him; bestowing leadership on young people today can be no less transformative.
How might the talents and potential in young people be affirmed and nurtured?  
                                                                                                                                            Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2011
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Pentecost 1 2012 p.53

Announcements The Work of Church and Community

We Gather to Worship God

Welcome and greeting one another with the Peace of Christ.
One: The peace of Christ be with you.
Response: And with your spirit.
* Introit Children of the Spirit (refrain)
We are shapers of the future, hope is in our hands.
Words: Monica O'Brien; Music: Gina Ogilvie. Copyright © 2006 Gina Ogilvie & Monica O'Brien. Willow Publishing Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
* Call to Worship (based on Psalm 20)
One: Shepherding God, we shout for joy for you,
and set up our banners in your name.
All: You send us help when we need you
and support us all our days.
One: Remember our offerings,and regard with favour our sacrifices;
All: so that we may find joy in our hearts,
and fulfill your plans for our lives.
One: Shepherding God, we come to worship you.
* Hymn Let All Things Now Living VU242
* Opening Prayer
God of great kindness and undying hope,
we ask that your vision of a renewed world
be rekindled in us today.
May the promise of your reign
and the wonder of its inclusive ways,
redirect and inspire us
into the days and weeks ahead.
In the name of Christ
and through the enfolding of the Spirit we pray. Amen.

We Listen for God’s Word

1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 David is anointed as king.
Psalm 20 Trust not in horses or chariots, but in God. VU742
* Hymn In the Bulb There Is a Flower VU703
Stories from Maritime Conference Annual Meeting
The Lord's Prayer 
The Gospel Acclamation  
Mark 4:26-34 Parables of the growing seed and the mustard seed.
Reflection on the Word

We Respond in Faith

* Hymn Just a Closer Walk With Thee (printed)

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Response: One: We are grateful. All: God of gifts, we thank you.
Minute for Mission

Offering Our Gifts to God

* Offering Song/Doxology We Give You But Your Own VU542

We Go to Serve God

* Hymn The Church's One Foundation VU332
* Commissioning and Benediction
As the blessed and anointed people of God,
go forth to share the gifts of your heart
that God has revealed to you and to each of us.
Know that God, the giver of all gifts, journeys with you,
and blesses you each and every day.
* Choral Amen


Saturday, 9 June 2012


Nan, Lucie and Wilf blow out the candles on the 45th Anniversary Cake, June 12th, 2011
Monday   9-12 noon   
Tuesday 9-12 noon                 
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s
Thursday 9 – 12 noon              
Friday – Minister’s Day Off     
The Manse telephone number is 625-0407
Nan is at St. David’s Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 12:00. Drop by for a coffee.

Nan and Bruce will be housesitting (and dog and cat sitting) for Camille and Dave Chapman while they are in Madagascar. The Corrigans can be reached at 4633 Hwy 19 Judique ph.787-2610 from May 30th to June 17th. Nan will continue regular office hours at the churches on Monday to Thursday mornings and can be reached by email, by leaving a message on the church or manse phone, or via her cellphone at 631-5500.
Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of each month.

Youth Group meeting for youth 10 and up on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church Hall.

Gardeners, do you have perennial flowers that you are wishing to divide? The manse flower garden is expanding--and would love to receive donations of flowering perennials from your gardens. No hostas please (we have those already). Nan's white trillium from Ontario has made it through the winter and is blooming! See it beside the birdbath in the backyard of the manse.

June 19th – 25th     Nan on vacation

June 24th – Service led by Lorna Mac Rury



June 12th – St. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting * Please note change of date for this month only. 6:30 p.m. – Executive; 7:00 p.m. – Committees; 8:00 p.m. – Combined Board


If you need a ride to church during the month of June call
Angus Mac Rae at 625-2424
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before or by
8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.


St. Mark’s Men’s Group - Breakfast Meeting 8:00 a.m. Sunday June 17, 2012

The Way and Means Committee of St. Mark's as well as the Cookbook Committee would like to keep you all informed as to how our fund-raising is going and what are the upcoming events and bus suppers we will be catering to over the next few months. We are awaiting delivery of another 132 more books from the cookbook printers. This is an excellent fundraiser that can go on for maybe a year or two!
It would be much appreciated if members of the congregation who do not have email and would like to contribute food, work or make monetary donations, please contact Ruth at 625-2424. 
Following are the groups and dates that we will be catering meals to:
Girl Guide Roast Beef or Turkey Dinner on Thursday, June 14th
Holy Trinity's 50th Anniversary Buffet Luncheon on Sunday, July 1st
Buffet Supper for Susanne Tours bus group for 48 on Sat. July 7th
Buffet Supper for Donna Hannem bus group for 55 on Sun., July 8th
Buffet Supper for bus group on Sunday, July 22nd
Buffet Supper for bus group on Tuesday, September 11th
Ruth - Chair of the Ways & Means Committee

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters—gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, June 18th is our next time of gathering at 1:00 p.m

There will be a Grad Recognition Service at St. Mark’s Church on June 17th. If you know any St. Mark’s members graduating from high school this year please provide their names to Jane by phone at 625-2229 or e-mail so they can be contacted.


Church Hall Cleaners for June: Susan Fox & Sally Fox

June 11th – We plan to do some interior cleaning at the Church on June 11th starting at 9:30 a.m. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

June 17th – Official Board meeting following Worship Service. Following the Official Board meeting Sunday June 17.2012 a short session meeting.