Contact Online is a Blog for St. Mark's United Church Community of Faith, Region 15 of the United Church of Canada. 504 Bernard Street, Port Hawkesbury, N.S. B9A 1L2, E-mail: St. Mark's United Church accepts and welcomes all people as we share and grow in acceptance, learn, love and share our Christian faith in God's love. Phone: (902) 625-2229, Church Services are held every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Nan and Bruce's Meet and Greet
The photos for Nan & Bruce's Meet and Greet are now posted on the Blog. Please go to the last posting in August to view them.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Nan will be leading a four session study on "Our Words of Faith: Cherished, Honoured and Living" on Thursday evenings November 3, 10, 17, 24 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark's. Between January and May 2012, each pastoral charge and presbytery is being asked in a remit whether to include each of three statements in the Doctrine section of the Basis of Union of the United Church of Canada. This study will begin to prepare us for this remit as we study the Statement of Faith (1940), A New Creed (1968; rev. 1980, 1994) and A Song of Faith (2006).
Advent Contact Submissions - The next issue Contact will be distributed on Advent Sunday, November 27th. Because your editor has to have surgery on November 18th, this issue is being prepared earlier than usual. If you have photos or a submission for Jane to type, please leave them at the church office on November 2nd. If you will be emailing your submission, please have it to Camille on or before Friday, Nov. 4th. This is the issue in which we acknowledge high school, post secondary as well as advanced degrees and diplomas. If one of your family has graduated since last November, we would like to honour them for their accomplishment. Please call Camille at 787-2610 for instructions if you plan to send a photo by email.
The Ministry and Personnel Committee will be meeting on Tues. November 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Members of M & P are Marie Horton, Clark Brander, Lucille Evans, Darren Blundon, Lisa Rhynold, and Maxine Smith. Please speak to any member of the committee if you have concerns or affirmations concerning church staff prior to the meeting.
Teacher: October 30th – Jean Hart November 6th – Heather Hart
Youth Group – For youth 10 and up on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church Hall.
Members of St. Mark’s Congregation have formed a committee to compile a cookbook and we want your “tried and true” favorite recipes. If you want to share your recipes, please type them up and forward to Ruth MacRae at or write them up and put on the collection plate and I will type them up. We’re looking for recipes in all categories. This cookbook will be an excellent fundraiser for our church, so pass on your recipes. Any anecdotes regarding the origin of your recipe(s) or any other comments are most welcome.”
The Ways & Means Committee of St. Mark's are organizing a Memorial Hymn Sing, under the very talented choir director and organist of our church, Al Fougére, on Sunday, November 20, 2011, at 2:30 p.m. A letter with the names of the hymns and a sheet for your selection of the hymn(s) chosen and memorial names will be attached. This will be sent out via e-mail and hand delivered or mailed to everyone else. Since there is a very short time frame to get these selections in the program, please respond as soon as possible.
Ruth MacRae - Chair of Ways & Means.
Ruth MacRae - Chair of Ways & Means.
St. Mark's Worship & Pastoral Care Committee is establishing a Pastoral Care Visitation Team, an informal group of laypeople who will extend pastoral care and a compassionate presence to members of our congregation. Interested in helping us provide this ministry, supported by our minister, Nan? Please call the Church Office or speak to any member of the Worship and Pastoral Care Committee.
November 15th – St. Mark’s Congregational Board meeting
November 4, Friday – Roast Beef Supper 4:30-6:00 PM. Pies for dessert. Fire Hall, Port Hastings. Sponsored by Stewards of St. David’s.
November 13th – Official Board meeting at St. David’s.
St. David’s Hall Cleaners for November are Claudette & Ashley Fox.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Dear Friends,
We ask that you bring the invitation that is provided below to your congregation or church group as soon as possible. Many congregations and individuals have been asking how they can support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Atlantic National Event coming up in Halifax, Oct 26-29th. This is one concrete response by churches that anyone can take part in. Adjust, adapt, modify it to suit your needs.
As a denomination we are committed to doing our part to make the events accessible and comfortable for the former students of Indian Residential Schools. This is a significant moment in history. "We are called to be the church…" Here is an opportunity.
Breakfast Funds: A Grassroots Gesture of Reconciliation
There is an opportunity for each member of a United Church congregation in the Atlantic Provinces to make a personal gesture of reconciliation to the survivors of the Indian Residential Schools attending the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Event in Halifax. The idea is for the gesture to be small and manageable for individuals, but when put together is made great. There are four national churches who are signatories of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement: United, Anglican, Presbyterian and Catholic. A signatory indicates that those churches have promised to uphold the work of the TRC. In this Atlantic region, the four churches intend to work together – cooperate – to make a gesture of reconciliation at the National Event. It was decided that we would provide breakfasts for the survivors on three mornings of the conference.
It is an appropriate gesture: nourishment at the start of difficult days. Up to 700 survivors from across Eastern Canada are expected to participate in the four day conference. In order to serve that number, the breakfasts will be provided on site, prepared by the convention centre staff. The cost is significant: roughly $10,000 per breakfast. However, the congregations of four national churches across four provinces is a significant number of people. If I were to ask you to donate a cup of coffee to a survivor – a single cup of coffee – you might feel you could do so. If each person in this congregation donates a cup of coffee, we will quickly have __ cups of coffee. And if members of another congregation also donate a cup of coffee, we will have nearly enough for a breakfast. The same holds for a glass of juice, or a muffin. If each one of us gives the $1.50 cost of a coffee or muffin, the congregations of the United, Anglican, Presbyterian, and Catholic churches will be able to provide the breakfasts.
In the United Church, we have reflected and discussed the notion of right relations. We have discussed the value and meaning of reconciliation. But for many of us, it is difficult to know just how to respond. The TRC Atlantic Event is the perfect opportunity for a concrete response. In donating to the breakfasts, each one of us can make a gesture of reconciliation; a gesture that will be noted by first nations participants, our church leaders, federal and provincial government representatives, and the general public.
The drum will be passed …. Please give as your personal gesture of reconciliation.
(Note: A cheque for the collected funds can be made out to Maritime Conference Fund. Please do not send cash. Mail to Maritime Conference Office, 21 Wright St., Sackville, NB E4L 4P8. For additional information contact Laura Hunter, Conference Minister for Justice and Stewardship, )
For more information on other ways to participate in the TRC event in Halifax check the website ( or contact me at the Conference Office.
May we live into the many ways we express that in our communities and this region faithfully.
Laura Hunter
On Sunday, October 30th an offering of loose change will be collected during worship as the contribution of St. Mark's and St. David's to the Truth and Reconciliation gathering.
Monday, 24 October 2011
Memorial Hymn Sing
Memorial Hymn Sing, November 20th at 2:30 p.m.
October 22, 2011
Dear Friends:
The “Ways and Means Committee” of St. Mark's United Church are pleased to announce that our congregation will be holding a Memorial Hymn Sing on Sunday, November 20th at 2:30 p.m. A Memorial Hymn Sing is an opportunity to offer thanks for the lives of deceased loved ones and honour them in a sharing of joyful, sacred music.
In order that we might continue and enrich our ministry in the Port Hawkesbury community, St. Mark's are reaching out to people like you who have strong and loving ties to our congregation. We need your support to help us continue our mission and ministry in this place. We hope that you'll consider supporting us by remembering your loved ones at this special service of song. A candle will be lit with each selection of music as the names of those being remembered and those of donors are read.
We know that this afternoon of sacred song will be uplifting and inspiring. We hope you will join with our talented choir director and accompanist Al Fougére and the Community Choir as we raise our voices in praise and remembrance. Please share information about the Memorial Hymn Sing with neighbours, friends and relatives. A time of light refreshment will follow the service.
We ask that you select a hymn or medley from the accompanying list and complete the attached hymn request form. Please place the request form and your donation in the offering plate or return to the address below by November 10th to ensure that your memorial will be printed in the Memorial Hymn Sing bulletin.
We know that this afternoon of sacred song will be uplifting and inspiring. We hope you will join with our talented choir director and accompanist Al Fougére and the Community Choir as we raise our voices in praise and remembrance. Please share information about the Memorial Hymn Sing with neighbours, friends and relatives. A time of light refreshment will follow the service.
Please make cheques payable to St. Mark's United Church.
Return request forms (or follow the one below) and cheques to:
Ruth MacRae
1 Pinecrest Drive
Port Hawkesbury, N. S. B9A 3G4
Phone: 902-625-2424
Memorial Hymn Sing Selected Hymns or One of Your Own Choosing:
Memorial Hymn Sing Selected Hymns or One of Your Own Choosing:
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- He Touched Me (Soloist: Roy MacKinnon)
- People of Peace (Choir)
- Precious Lord, Take My Hand
- Just a Closer Walk with Thee
- Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore
- How Great Thou Art
- Medley: I Come to the Garden, Amazing Grace, The Old Rugged Cross, Swing Low Sweet Chariot
- Glorify Thy Name, Magnify Him (Choir)
- On Eagle's Wings
- In the Bulb There Is a Flower
- Lord of the Dance
- Hymn Selection #_____
In Memory of _______________________________________________________________
Remembered by_____________________________________________________________
Donation $___________________ (Income Tax receipts provided)
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Celebrating St. David's Anniversary
There will be a joint service to celebrate
St. David's Anniversary Sunday
October 23rd at 11:00 a.m.
There will be no Service or Sunday School at St. Mark's.
Enjoy the potluck lunch following the service.
Enjoy the potluck lunch following the service.
Advent Contact
Advent Contact Submissions
The next issue Contact will be distributed on Advent Sunday, November 27th. Because your editor has to have surgery on November 18th, this issue is being prepared earlier than usual.
If you have photos or a submission for Jane to type, please leave them at the church office on November 2nd. If you will be emailing your submission, please have it to Camille on or before Friday November 4th.
This is the issue in which we acknowledge high school, post secondary as well as advanced degrees and diplomas. If one of your family has graduated since last November, we would like to honour them for their accomplishment.
Please call Camille at 787-2610 for instructions if you plan to send a photo by email.
The next issue Contact will be distributed on Advent Sunday, November 27th. Because your editor has to have surgery on November 18th, this issue is being prepared earlier than usual.
If you have photos or a submission for Jane to type, please leave them at the church office on November 2nd. If you will be emailing your submission, please have it to Camille on or before Friday November 4th.
This is the issue in which we acknowledge high school, post secondary as well as advanced degrees and diplomas. If one of your family has graduated since last November, we would like to honour them for their accomplishment.
Please call Camille at 787-2610 for instructions if you plan to send a photo by email.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Evening of Music Concert
A well attended, wonderful concert was held at St. David's sponsored by the Starlight Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star on Wednesday, October 19. Al conducted the ecumenical choir through a rendition of Broadway tunes and Ray and Kay Horton and the Starlight Quartet sang popular, folk and Gospel songs. Tea and oatcakes were enjoyed by all following the performance.
Members and adherents of St. Mark’s and St. David’s are invited to gather with the Visioning Committee of Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery on Wed., October 26th at 7 p.m. at St. David’s United Church.
The Visioning Committee of Presbytery are meeting with all the Pastoral Charges for discussion on various aspects of the life of the Charge, its relationship with the Presbytery, its vision of and for the future. It is the hope of the Committee to give direction to Presbytery and the Charge on how we can better assist one another and to build a closer relationship one with the other. Therefore, 2-3 members of the Committee will come to St. David's on Wednesday, October 26 at 7pm to meet with you.
Roast Beef Supper
Homemade Pies for Dessert
Friday, November 4th, 2011
4:30-6:00 PM.
Fire Hall, Port Hastings.
Sponsored by Stewards of St. David’s.
November 13th – Official Board Meeting at St. David’s.
St. David’s Hall Cleaners for Oct. are Wanda Harb, Florence Timmons
Teacher: October 30th – Jean Hart
November 6th – Heather Hart
NO Sunday School at St. Mark’s on October 23rd.
Youth Group – For youth 10 and up on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church Hall.
Members of St. Mark’s Congregation have formed a committee to compile a cookbook and we want your “tried and true” favorite recipes. If you want to share your recipes, please type them up and forward to Ruth MacRae at or write them up and put on the collection plate and I will type them up. We’re looking for recipes in all categories. This cookbook will be an excellent fundraiser for our church, so pass on your recipes. Any anecdotes re the origin of your recipe(s) or any other comments are most welcome.”
October 25th – Congregational Board Meeting * Please note change of date for this month only* 6:30 pm – Executive, 7:00 pm – Committees, 8:00 pm.- Combined Board
October 29th – 10,000 Villages at St. Mark’s from 9:30-3:30.
Memorial Hymn Sing
"The Ways & Means Committee of St. Mark's are organizing a Memorial Hymn Sing, under the very talented choir director and organist of our church, Al Fougere, on Sunday, November 20, 2011, at 2:30 p.m. A letter with the names of the hymns and a sheet for your selection of the hymn(s) chosen and memorial names will be attached. This will be sent out via e-mail and hand delivered or mailed to everyone else. Since there is a very short time frame to get these selections in the program, please respond as soon as possible."
Ruth - Chair of Ways & Means.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
10,000 Villages Gift Sale, Saturday, October 29th
Arlene and her grandson are doing their Christmas shopping. |
Nan admired some of the scarves. |
Cashiers and packers: Lana, Ruth, Bonnie, Gladys, Barb, Lorna and June were kept very busy. |
It was also Apple Day for the Scouting movement. |
For one day St. Mark’s United Church Mission and Outreach Committee offers the Port Hawkesbury community an opportunity to make a difference by shopping fair trade. Shoppers will discover hundreds of handcrafted home décor items, musical instruments, ornaments, toys and jewellery made by skilled artisans in more than 30 Developing countries.
The hand made products featured in this sale are offered through Ten Thousand Villages. Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to artisans around the world by marketing their handicrafts and telling their stories in North America. All proceeds from the Port Hawkesbury Festival Sale benefit Ten Thousand Villages artisan partners. In addition to over 100 Festival Sales held this past year in communities from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island, Ten Thousand Villages also operates 49 stores across Canada.
Ten Thousand Villages is a non-profit, fair trade organization and a program of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). MCC is the relief, service and peace agency of the Mennonite and Brethren in Christ.
Ten Thousand Villages is a marketing organization that sells handicrafts from “Third World” countries through its network of 50 stores in Canada, 115 in the US, and through 300 annual Festival Sales in Canada (100+) and the US (200+).
2. Where does everything come from and who made it?
Products sold by Ten Thousand Villages come from more than 30 countries around the world, countries considered to be “Third World” or “underdeveloped”.
Ten Thousand Villages talks with the artisans themselves. They also talk with other organizations that are working in that country. We also learn what other persons in the community earn – farm workers, construction workers, teachers, etc. It is our goal that a person’s income enables her/him to pay for food, clothing, housing, children’s education and medical care.
4. How much money does Ten Thousand Villages send back to the artisan?
None! Before placing an order, Ten Thousand Villages establishes what the artisan group considers to be a fair price for the item.
When placing the order, half of the purchase price is sent with the order. This allows artisans to purchase the raw materials needed and to pay wages during production.
Upon completion of the order, the remainder of the purchase price is paid before the order leaves the country. Orders are paid in full before they arrive in our warehouse.
5. How do we find these artisans and products?
Ten Thousand Villages is a program of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC, a relief and development organization with contacts in 50 countries around the world.
More than 500 MCC workers live and work in 40 developing countries. In many cases these MCC’ers introduce us to artisans. Sometimes contacts come through other church groups or through the International Federation of Alternative Trade (IFAT IFAT is a 200-member fair trade organization to which Ten Thousand Villages belongs.
Regular visits and financial statements help us to ensure accountability. We do not ask any of the groups we buy from to sell exclusively to us, nor do we have exclusive contracts on any products.
Ten Thousand Villages
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is Ten Thousand Villages?
It is a program of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a relief and development organization working around the world. Ten Thousand Villages has its roots in the work begun by Edna Ruth Byler in 1946.
2. Where does everything come from and who made it?
Products sold by Ten Thousand Villages come from more than 30 countries around the world, countries considered to be “Third World” or “underdeveloped”.
We buy from more than 120 different groups of artisans and reach thousands of individual people. About 70% of the artisans are single mothers. Some artisan groups also seek to employ persons with physical disabilities.
Ten Thousand Villages intentionally looks to work with people who are unemployed or severely under-employed. Products sold by Ten Thousand Villages do not come from large factories but are made in small group settings or in homes where artisans can also manage household responsibilities or farm work.
We are concerned that the environment in which our artisans work is clean and healthy and materials used for production are not harmful to the artisan or the environment
3. How is a “fair wage” determined?
Ten Thousand Villages talks with the artisans themselves. They also talk with other organizations that are working in that country. We also learn what other persons in the community earn – farm workers, construction workers, teachers, etc. It is our goal that a person’s income enables her/him to pay for food, clothing, housing, children’s education and medical care.
4. How much money does Ten Thousand Villages send back to the artisan?
When placing the order, half of the purchase price is sent with the order. This allows artisans to purchase the raw materials needed and to pay wages during production.
Upon completion of the order, the remainder of the purchase price is paid before the order leaves the country. Orders are paid in full before they arrive in our warehouse.
5. How do we find these artisans and products?
Ten Thousand Villages is a program of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC, a relief and development organization with contacts in 50 countries around the world.
More than 500 MCC workers live and work in 40 developing countries. In many cases these MCC’ers introduce us to artisans. Sometimes contacts come through other church groups or through the International Federation of Alternative Trade (IFAT IFAT is a 200-member fair trade organization to which Ten Thousand Villages belongs.
Regular visits and financial statements help us to ensure accountability. We do not ask any of the groups we buy from to sell exclusively to us, nor do we have exclusive contracts on any products.
We continually focus on trading with communities with the greatest needs.
Nan's Covanenting Service, October 16, 2011
Al and the Choir made musical magic! |
Rev. Donna Tourneur read the Warrant. |
Rev. Heather Manuel, Chair of Presbytery, conducted the service. |
Jim St. Clair recognized and dismissed the Search Committee. |
Julia MacQuarrie read the Scripture |
Norma Mills, DLM gave a thought provoking sermon. |
Nan gives her promises to the congregations as a new minister. |
Congratulations Nan, from the Presbytery. |
A hug from Donna. |
. . . . and from Julia. |
Congrats from Karen. |
. . . . a big hug from Jim. |
Maggie offers her congratulations. |
Rev. Alison shakes Nan's hand. |
Andy and Julia presented Nan with the symbols of Baptism. |
Ian gave Nan the walking stick. |
Lucille presented Nan with the teapot. |
Kenzie gave Nan a Spiral Shell. |
Nan gave the closing prayer. |
The Symbols of our shared ministry. |
The Children's Bible and Church School Curriculum. |
Baptismal Bowl |
Teapot |
Spiral Shell |
Annabel and Marie helped to set up the meal. Let the dinner commence! |
Time for a visit. |
Waiting in line. |
Connie and Ingram choose a place at the table. |
Archie found lots of great food! |
There was such a great turnout for this event, that extra tables had to be set up to accommodate everyone for dinner! |
Ian and Yvonne go nicely together! |
Yvonne captured Ingram, Dave, Camille and Bruce before they joined the line to get their dinner. |
Julia and Bob |
Let us eat cake! |
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