Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Hymns for Sunday, October 18th

Here I Am, Lord - 509

Joyful, Joyful - 232

"People of Peace" - Choir

How Great Thou Art - 238

Psalm - 104, - # 826, Refrain 2

Doxology - 542

Hymns for Sunday, October 11th

This Day God Gives Me - 410

Jesus Bids Us Shine - 585

For the Fruit of all Creation - 227

Now Thank We All Our God - 236

Psalm - 126, # 850, Refrain 2

Doxology - 537

Hymns for Sunday, October 4th

As We Gather At Your Table - 457

Like A Child - 366

We Gather Here - 469

Go To The World - 420, v 1 & 2

During Distribution - I Come With Joy - 477

Communion - 942 ( Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Amen )

Doxology - 540

Friday, 25 September 2009

The Amazing Grace Race

St. Mark's has 2 teams in the Amazing Grace race: CE Committee and "The Old Beach Combers".

St. David's Sunday School

There will be no Sunday School Class on October 4th. If anyone is interested in helping with Sunday School this year please contact Lisa at 625-0618.

St. Mark's Board Meeting and the By-Election on October 20th

The St. Mark’s Church hall has been booked for two polling stations for the by-election on October 20. The poll closes at 7:00 p.m. but it will probably be 8:30 p.m. before they have finished counting, packed up and left. The St. Mark’s Congregational Board meeting is scheduled for October 20, so the individual committee meetings will have to be held in places outside the hall, and the general meeting following the committee meetings will be held in the sanctuary unless the by-election team have left before the general meeting starts.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Melita and Rev. Wilf Pelley with St. David's Choir on Sept. 13th'09

Hymns for Sunday, September 27

Come In, Come In and Sit Down - 395

Lord, Listen to your Children Praying - 400

The Lord's Prayer - 960

May the God of Hope Go With Us - 424

Psalm 124, # 848 , Ref.1

Doxology - 538

Friday, 18 September 2009

Lectionary Readings for Sept.27, 2009 - Seventeenth after Pentecost

Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22
James 5:13-20
Psalm 124 (Voices United page 848)
Mark 9:38-50
Sunday, October 4th - World Wide Communion Sunday.

10,000 Villages

10, 000 Villages - Oct. 24th
We have many offers of help but need a billet for staff.

Craft Market - October 10th

Craft Market

October 10th - from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
at St. Mark's United Church

Sponsored by Helping Hands

Crafters wanting to rent tables, call Marie at 625-1969 or Betty at 625-3123
~~~~Door Prize~~~~
Refreshments available

Walk to Church Sunday

St. Mark's Mission Outreach Committee has declared Sunday September 27th as Walk to Church Sunday. Walk all the way or one or two blocks, whatever you can.

St. Mark's Helping Hands Group

Please be advised that the Helping Hands will no longer be accepting items for yards sales. Thank you for your support in the past.

Barb, Ruth & Marie.

September 28th - St. Mark's Special Events Group Meeting

St. Mark's Special Events Group will meet on September 28th at 12 noon. Bring your favorite dish for pot luck lunch. A meeting will follow. All ladies are welcome.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

St. David's Anniversary Service

Rev. Bob Latimer will be the guest speaker for St. David's anniversary service on October 18th at 11:00 AM. This is a combined service with the congregation of St. Mark's. A pot luck dinner will follow the service.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Sunday, September 27th
St. David's Official Board Meeting
after the service.

Hot Roast Beef Supper at St. David's

Friday, September 25th
Hot Roast Beef Supper
with homemade pies
sponsored by St. David's Church
To be held at the Port Hastings Fire Hall
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Take outs available
Adults $10.00 Children $8.00

St. David's Anniversary Service

The congregation of St. Mark's is invited to attend the Anniversary Service at St. David's Church on October 18th at 11:00 a.m. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Bob Latimer. We invite you to join us for a Pot Luck Dinner following the service. We look forward to celebrating this occasion with you.

St. David's Sunday School

St. David's Sunday School will reopen on September 20th, however, there will be no class on Sunday October 4th. If anyone is interested in helping with the Sunday School, pleas contact Lisa at 625-0618.

Memorial Service at St. Mark's

A Memorial Service for the late Walter LeLacheur will take place at St. Mark's on September 26, at 2:oo p.m.
Inverness Guysborough Presbytery announces its first ever . . . .

October 3rd,2009

Find a team of two or more and let the registrar, Lorna MacRury know you're in!
You can phone Lorna at 625-1406, or email her at a.macrury@ns.sympatico.ca
Registration fee is up to you - a donation to the M&S Fund is all we ask.
Details to follow upon registration.

What's so Amazing?
Cape Breton in the fall! We live here. That we have such great neighbouring churches, who we barely know!

Why Grace?
Among our treasures are the Land, Lake & Sea. We know God's presence... and claim the small role we play as co-creators. This is a chance to pause, notice and share...

Do we really Race?
No, that's just the catchy title. With our team mates (minimum of two), we'll drive through the course, completing a timed challenge at each stop. The challenges will be designed by pastoral charges en route. The congregation voted "best challenge" gets to submit the M&S money and take the credit! Of course, we'll round out our day with a meal... The folks at St. Matthew's, Marble Mountain are seeing to that. (a free basket will be provided)

All proceeds will be in support of the Mission & Service Fund.

St. Mark's Sunday School

St. Mark's Sunday School will resume on September 20th.
Teacher for September 20th- 27th: Heather Brander
Teacheer for October 4th - 11th: Beverly MacInnis

Book Study

Our fall Book Study is scheduled for Mondays: October 12th, 19th and 26th. The book is titled "The Shack" by William Paul Young. If you are interested in taking part, please contact Sheldon at St. Mark's Church office at 625-2229.

With the closure of our local bookstore: Volume One, you may wish to purchase the book online:

Lectionary Readings for Sunday, September 20th, 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Proverbs 31:10-31
James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a
Psalm 1 Voices United page 824
Mark 9:30-37

Contact Online

In an effort to save printing costs and the environment, the Christian Education Committee is encouraging those members of the congregation who are currently hooked up to the internet to receive their Contact issues by email. The email edition is exactly the same as the printed version and is sent in PDF (portable document file) format (available free from www.adobe.com). With the PDF version you can enlarge the print for easier reading. You can also forward a copy to relatives and friends.

Please consider the online version for your November issue of Contact. You may be added to our growing list of online recipients by sending your email address to:

St. Mark's Congregational Board Meeting

St. Mark's Congregational Board
will meet Tuesday, September 15th

Executive: 6:30 p.m.
Committees: 7:15 p.m.
Combined Board: 8:15 p.m.

Hymns for Sunday, September 20th

Like A Child - 366

Jesus Loves Me - 365

Jesus Came, A Child Like Me - 583

Make Me A Channel - 684

Psalm - 1 # 724

Doxology # 542

Friday, 11 September 2009

St. Mark's Sunday School

St. Mark's Sunday School will resume on Sunday, September 20. If anyone is interested in teaching please see Heather Brander or any member of the Christian Education Committee.

Hymns for Sunday, September 13th

Let Us With a Gladsome Mind - 234, verses 1,2,4,5

What a Friend - 664

Here I Am , Lord - 509

Lift High the Cross - 151

Psalm - 19 # 740 Ref. 2

Doxology - 541

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Hymns for Sunday, September 13th

Let Us With a Gladsome Mind - 234, verses 1,2,4,5

What a Friend - 664

Here I Am , Lord - 509

Lift High the Cross - 151

Psalm - 19 # 740 Ref. 2

Doxology - 541

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Hymns for Sunday, September 6

All Things Bright and Beautiful - 291

When A Poor One - 702

When Jesus the Healer - 358

We Are Pilgrims - 595

Psalm 125 # 849

Doxology 537