Wednesday, 30 April 2008

St. Mark's Annual Flea Market & Bake Sale

St. Mark's Annual Flea Market & Bake Sale
May 3rd
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Items for the flea market can be brought to the Church before the sale.
Bring in baked goods Friday, May 2nd.

Sponsored by Helping Hands
Contact Marie at 625-1969

Choir practice will be Tuesday, May 6th at 5:45 p.m.

St. Mark's, Coffee Time, Sunday April 27th

Jean celebrated her 80th Birthday!

Lectionary Readings for May 4th, 7th Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:6 - 14
1 Peter 4: 12 - 14, 5: 6 - 11
Psalm 68: 1 - 10, 32 - 35 (Voices United page 787)
John 17: 1 - 11

Hymns for Sunday, May 4th

All Praise to Thee #327

Jesus Bids Us Shine #585

We Are One #402

Jesus Shall Reign #330

Psalm 68 Page #787 (Voices United)

Doxology #537

Monday, 21 April 2008

Lectionary Readings for April 27, 6th Sunday of Easter

Acts 17: 21 - 31
Psalm 66: 8 - 20 (Voices United page 784 - 785 parts 2 and 3)
1 Peter 3: 13 - 22
John 14: 15 - 21

Hymns Sunday, April 27th

Come and Find the Quiet Centre #374

Shout For God #246

I Willl Never Forget You My People printed

Rejoice The Lord Is King #213

Psalm 66 #784 Refrain 2

Doxology #541

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Hymns for Sunday April 20

All The Way My Savior Leads Me #635

I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me #575

Holy Ground (printed)

The Church's One Foundation #332

Psalm 31 Page #758 Voices United

Doxology 540

Monday, 14 April 2008

Readings for April 20th, Fifth Sunday of Easter

Genesis 1: 1 - 2 & Chapter 2
Psalm 148 (Voices United page 871)
Matthew 5: 1 - 12 & 7: 24 - 29

Homemade Beans & Ham Supper at St. David's

Homemade Beans & Ham Supper
Strawberry Shortcake for Dessert

Saturday, April 19th
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
St. David's Church Hall

Price is $7.00

Donations for this supper can be dropped off at the Church Hall between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Friday.

Thank you for your support. The proceeds go to St. David's United Church.

St. Mark's Congregational Board Meeting, April 15th

St. Mark's Congregational Board will meet on Tuesday, April 15th
Executive: 6:30 p.m.
Committees: 7:15 p.m. Committees will choose their new chairs.
Combined Board: 8:15 p.m.

30-Hour Famine

2008, 30-Hour Famine

St. Mark’s United Church youth and some of their friends participated in another World Vision 30 Hour Famine. This is the 10th year that the famine has been done at St. Mark’s.

Everyone had a good time, and Sheldon LeGrow caught some of us still in our pajama’s when he came over for a visit. He surprised us all with his camera and then delighted us when he brought over a copy of the group picture for everyone, with room to put autographs. What a great keepsake!

The group raised $2,447.87 this year, which is enough to feed 6 families for a year and a 7th family for 8 months. I am very proud of this group. They worked hard at fundraising, and then worked hard at tiding up the church hall after the overnight event.

We all want to give a special thanks to the Ladies group, who donated money to provide us with our juice, the all the members of the congregation, who so generously donated to the young people when asked, and to all of the congregation, for the use of the hall. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

Annemary Butcher
30 Hour Famine Facilitator

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Hymns for Sunday April 13

Come In , Come in and #395

Jesus Loves Me #365

The Lord's My Shepherd #747

Lord of the Dance #352

Psalm 23 # 749 Refrain 1

Doxology 537

Youth Group Celebrates Rev. Sheldon's Birthday

Saturday, 5 April 2008

The Youth Group

The Youth Group will meet on Sunday April 6 at 6pm at St. Mark's. The Youth Group is for all youth of St. Mark's & St. David's who have moved on from Sunday School. It's your group so come out & bring your ideas!