Monday, 31 December 2007

Church Directories

Anyone from St. Mark's and St. David's churches who did not have their picture take, but would like to have a church directory, they are available for $15.00 + HST. Please call Gladys at 625-2707, Rilla at 625-2411 or Ian at 625-2303 before December 31 if you would like to order a directory. Those who had their photos taken by Universal Portrait Studios will receive a free directory. Those who submitted pictures will have to pay for a directory.

Readings for January 6, Second Sunday after Christmas

Isaiah 60: 1 - 6
Psalm 72: 1 - 7, 10 - 14, Voices United page 790, parts 1 & 2
Ephesians 3: 1 - 12
Matthew 2: 1 - 12

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Rehersal for Christmas Eve at St. Mark's

Go Tell it on the Mountain
That Jesus Christ Was Born!

Monday, 24 December 2007

Sunday, December 30, Food Bank Sunday

Food Bank Sunday at both churches! Please share your bounty during this time of celebration.
Christmas Eve Services:

St. Mark's United Church, Port Hawkesbury - 6:30 PM

St. David's
United Church, Port Hastings - 8:00 PM

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Observer Renewal is Due

Anyone interested in subscribing to or renewing the Observer for 2008 please contact Bonnie Dawson by phone 625-3838 or e-mail b.dawson@ns.sympatico .ca by December 23, 2007. The annual cost is $15.00 (includes GST/HST). Please put payment in Observer envelope (available in the Narthex) or regular envelope marked "Observer" and place in collection plate with your offering. Cheque should be made payable to St. Mark's United Church.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Hymns For Sunday, December 16

A Candle is Burning page 6, verse 3 (Voices United)
Hope is a Star page 7, verses 1, 2 & 3 (Voices United)
She Came Sailing on the Wind page 380 (Voices United)
O Come, O Come Emanuel page 1, verses 1, 6 & 7 (Voices United)
Psalm: The Magnificat page 898 Refrain 1 (Voices United)
Doxology page 544, Tune page 75 (Voices United)

Sunday, 9 December 2007

St. Mark's Congregational Board Executive Meeting

St. Mark's Congregational Board (executive only) will be meeting Tuesday, December 18th at 6:30 p.m.

Readings for December 16, 3rd Sunday in Advent

Isaiah 35: 1 - 10
Psalm: 146: 5 - 10 (Voices United page 868) or Luke 1: 47 - 55 (Voices United page 898 - 899)
James 5: 7 - 10
Mathew 11: 2 - 11

St. Mark's Hanging of the Greens Service

On Sunday, December 2nd, St. Mark's youth and Sunday School participated in a Hanging of the Greens Service. What a wonderful service it was! Congratulations to all the children and teens for a great job. Thanks especially to the teachers and to Joyce Oliver-Snair who assisted them. Everything went flawlessly! Cameron MacEachern was tremendous as master of ceremonies, and one had to look twice to make sure it was not his father, Bob speaking at the microphone! Rev. LeGrow was very impressed with the evening as were all who attended!


Where have you all been?

Sunday, 2 December 2007

St. David's Decorates for Christmas 2007

Once again, members of St. David's got together on Saturday, December 1st at 9 am. to decorate for the Christmas season. Many years ago, we used to do it after the church service the Sunday before Advent which meant we were there very late that day and often had to finish up during the week.

For the second year, Lew and Maxine Smith had the tree up in advance with the lights on but we were still there till 2 o'clock.

An enjoyable time was had by all who came out. Lisa Rhynold, our Sunday School Superintendent, and Katie Downard organized Christmas crafts for the children and Alycia Vink organized the delicious lunch for everyone at noon.

Rev. LeGrow helped me with the picture taking this year which was a big help.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Hymns for First Sunday of Advent

Hymn for Advent - printed
Hope Is A Star #7 verse 1
A Candle is Burning # 6 verse 1
We Gather Here #469
People Look East #49
Psalm 122 #845
Doxology #540
During the distribution of Bread
- Let Us Break Bread Together #480
- Cup - I Come With Joy # 477

Vigil of Remembrance & Hope

You are invited to participate in a
Vigil of Remembrance & Hope

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Port Hawkesbury
A Reception Will Follow

For More Information Call:
Leeside Transition House

In 1991, December 6th was declared Canada’s National Day of
Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
The Vigil is a time to remember all women and girls who live with
violence or who have died as a result of violence.
It is an opportunity to nurture our hope.
The violence can end.